I see David checking in so I come up from behind him and grab both of his shoulders, trying to hide behind him. Even though I have only seen him a couple times, he automatically says "I know that's Marcus". So I greet him and Jay and welcome them to the Care Center. I move on with what I was doing and as we are getting closer to the end of the shift decide that I am going to jump in as a personal shopper to get the final families through. Who do I get to shop with???? David and Jay! David has a list of items that his family needs and its his turn to take the role of the adult choosing what items his family will eat this week. You see each week one of the boys will take on that role, because their mom is unable to make it up here as she is blind. So Jay goes and picks up one of the boys and drives to the Care Center. So David says he needs cereal, anything but Cheerios. I tell him that I have a surprise for him, that we have a lot of great options for him to choose from-three kinds of captain crunch, apple jacks, fruit loops, coco puffs, etc. He gets excited and starts looking at the cheerios, which I say "hey there I thought you said you didn't want cheerios?". That's when Jay motions to me something about David's eyes. As we go through the pantry picking the items, Jay explains that his eyes are really bad and he can only see 3-4" in front of his face. We get towards the end of the shopping experience and David says to me "I want to pray with you!", I told him "that would be great, you want to pray tonight?" "No" he says, "I want you to pray for me". "I would love that", I will meet you outside and after we load up your groceries I'll pray for you.
So we have the items loaded in his car and he says "I want you to pray for my eyes, pray that God will heal my eyes so I can see". So we circle up and place arms on each others shoulders and I have the privilege to pray for David's eyes.

So I ask Jay to email me and I will see if there is anything I can do.
So at 10:23 this morning I get the email from Jay. I send it on to one person asking if there is anything we can do. At 12:46 the message has now passed through 4 different levels of asks and I have a call from a doctor who has two different specialist both willing to see David. 2 hours and 23 min and a plan is being formed. I am just blown away on how God works.
Would you pray for the rest of the story (tribute to paul harvey!). I am excited what could happen and how this could impact not only David's faith but all those who he interacts with now and his future.
I will post again as this story develops.